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滁州市 凯丰科技有限公司是专业从事汽车、家电冲压件产品和塑料板材的生产制造企业。公司成立于2004年,现拥有固定资产4500万元,占地面积20000平方米,现有员工150多名,年产值5000多万元。 chuzhou kaifeng technology co.,ltd is a company specializing in manufacturing punching parts for autos and home appliances, plus plastic sheets. it is founded in 2004, while up to year 2008, with fixed assets rmb 45,000,000, covering 20,000 square meters, and more than 150 employees, the annual revenue had reached rmb 50,000,000. 我公司主要为汽车、冰箱等企业生产配套件;公司下设:质量部、生产技术部、营销部、财务部、办公室等管理部门,拥有各种技术管理人员12名,各种加工和辅助设备30多台套;具有较强的加工能力和生产规模。公司于2007年4月通过iso9001质量管理体系认证并通过rohs检测。 our company mainly produces fittings parts for auto and refrigerators, with several departments including: quality department, production and technical department, business department, finance department, and administration office, totaling 12 technical staffs, and more than 30 processing and accessory equipments. we boast strong processing capacity and large production scale, passed the iso 9001 in april 2007, as well as the rohs’s test. 厂房面积:12600平方米; factory’s buildings area: 12600 square meters 办公综合楼:780平方米; office buildings area: 780 square meters 大中型冲压、挤塑加工20余台套(冲压能力从60吨-630吨)。 more than 20 middle to large punch machines and plastic extruding equipments (the punching capacity: 60 -630 tons) 在机械和家电配套业飞速发展的今天,公司将继续不断完善管理与技术创新,培育高素质的员工队伍。 with the rapid development of mechanical and home appliance industry, our company will stick to perfect management and technological innovation, cultivatinga working team of good natured. 以顾客需求作为我们的目标,有效运行并维护质量管理体系;用制度规范我们的质量行为, 不断顾客的希望。 take the customer demand as our goal, operate and maintain an effective quality management system; place our quality inspection under institutional norms, continuing to exceed our customers’ expectation.

企业名称: 滁州市凯丰科技有限公司 企业类型: 企业单位 (贸易商)
所 在 地: 安徽/滁州 企业规模:
注册资本: 未填写 注册年份: 2000
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00
企业模式: 贸易商